Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This is about a word in Papiamento, Pasobra. It means 'because.' It also shows a bit how the mind works, with thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Thinking about the wrong word, Antobra (it should be anto but analogous to Pasobra it sometimes becomes Antobra), I was wondering how many languages had Pasobra; it was not from Spanish or Portuguese. I found hits for Papiamento and Tagalog, and some smaller languages in the Philippines. Thinking I had found a similarity between the two and possibly a common root, I decided to tweet about it. But it was good I did not, because checking its meaning in a Tagalog-English dictionary yielded the fact that it means 'leeway', and not 'because'. So it is a false friend instead of a common root. But then again, there is an aspect of 'leeway' in a 'because' - there might be something here.

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