Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where is your smile today?

While catching the tail portion of Steward Copeland's Police documentary last night something got hold in a particular brain department, apparently, because I woke up with Curved Air and "Backstreet Luv" in my head this morning. This must be because Steward was once drummer of Curved Air and married to its singer.

Even funnier, when listening to it on YouTube - dig that Minimoog and the Rhodes - I even remembered what the next song was in the 19-seventies Radio Noordzee radio show that I heard it on: that was "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf. Man, those were the days.

Though I must say that I thoroughly enjoy being able to Google for songs these days and finding them on Youtube; it used to be that it passed by quickly on the radio, your only chance to get it was going to the record shop, where more often than not the salesperson "never heard of that, are you sure" made you doubt there even was such a song. That is, if you were lucky enough to catch the announcement. Otherwise you were forced to sing it.

Nowadays that is even solved by SoundHound. Man, these are the days!